Monthly Archives: May 2010


here is the second attempt at flowers for audrey’s room.  the first try were colored flowers, no outlines.  from that i have narrowed down the idea..i want doodle-like flowers.  it is what was in my mind the whole time i was pregnant for a name or something on the wall.  now i just can’t decide if i am satisfied with this grouping or if i just want to do a daisy (like far left) then one different flower in the middle and another daisy.  help!  please tell me what you people that read this think…too busy, add color, just three flowers, or keep it like it is.  i can’t seem to make up my mind.  big surprise!


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some words for thought

“Do more than belong: participate.  Do more than care: help.  Do more than believe: practice.  Do more than be fair: be kind.  Do more than forgive: forget.  Do more than dream: work.” -William Arthur Ward, author

“It takes two reasonable people to have a reasonable conversation.”  -Morris Perry, my father-in-law

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even before she had a name.

sleeping, 2 weeks old.


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story of a bumped head (and more importantly feeling better about it)

on monday afternoon we had gotten home from getting shots and audrey was a bit fussy.  so i was taking her outside because usually that is the best thing to make her happy.  well on the way out of the front door, while trying to keep the dog inside and the paci from dropping and the burp cloth over my shoulder, i bumped audrey’s head on the door.  it didn’t seem to phase her but of course it worried me.  i kept feeling it to see if it was swollen or if me touching it seemed to hurt her.  i felt terrible.  who runs their baby into the door?  great mama right?  mark got home and he reassured me.  i think his exact words were “she’s not porcelin,” but still i felt, checked and thought about it a lot.

well, yesterday i told mama about it happening.  i must admit a little reluctantly…afterall, my mother can take care of babies better than anyone i know.  she’s some kind of no-fail super mama.  sometimes i wonder if she’s more equipped than me.  (and i’ve come to learn this is a normal self-doubt  after talking with other mama friends.  phew, i know)  anyway, she said with no judgement “don’t you just hate when you do that?”  and then, i quit checking and thinking and feeling.  even a super mom must bump a little head a time or two.  i am doing alright…audrey is gonna make it through with her mom in training.

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rooted babies

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morning time

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making it girly…maybe

i am thinking of doing a little bit of a change for audrey’s room.  i think somewhere in the back of my mind i knew that if i had a girl (or boy for that matter) that i would want a more gender specific room.  i did know that.  afterall, some fabric almost made me find out what the baby was.  (i love not knowing though…and wouldn’t change that for any decortating)  but now, i do want audrey to have a little bit more girlish room.  so today, after a lot of brainstorming, and on the second try, i went to lowe’s and played around with some ideas to add, without much cost and effort, a more girly touch to her room.  i was thinking of painting over the tree and painting several big big coloring book with black outlining style flowers on the wall.  but i think i will have the same dilema…feeling like it’s a theme.  i am not a theme kinda gal!  so for now the idea is still to paint over the tree, paint the shelf gray, do some pink fabric covered storage boxes for the shelves and think about a flower or two…hmm.  i am in serious brainstorm mode.  did i mention the foyer paint samples and green for the kitchen???

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sleeping sequence (in bird’s eye view)

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2 months and growing…

Audrey Lou had her 2 month wellness check-up on Monday afternoon.  Now she is 22 1/2 inches long and weighs 9 pounds 12 ounces.  She is right in the middle of the chart on things.  The check-up was good…I just love her doctor.  He spends so much time checking her out and also really talking to me about my first time mama concerns.  It makes a real difference.  She got her shots Monday too.  It was so sad…I just hate that cry when she’s so upset.  Pititful!   (But then she went right to sleep.)  When we got home she was pretty pitiful some more though.  She ran a little fever and had to be held most of the evening.  If you even moved a finger off of her (or sat down, quit bouncing, stopped walking, kissed her) she would tune right back up with some big ole crying.  It took most of yesterday to recover really…

But she has still slept through the nights.  It is so great.  We still have to kind of stretch out the 4-5-6am time, but we are getting there.  We figure you have to go through a little crying & frustration to get to the goodness.  She is really awesome though…growing up so much.

Yesterday when she was in a talk-y mood, I would make a sound to her (like my mouth really O-shaped) and she would try her best to figure out how she could do her mouth that way.  And every now and then (I’d like to think not just by chance) she would make the same sound back to me.  She’s just so much fun right now.  With the talking and starting to really play.  It’s true, even though I said I wanted her to stay teeny-tiny, that every stage that comes is so wonderful for all new reasons.  (I’m back to thinking I could do this a few more times.)

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good things

a vase of gardenias & their smell filling the whole house, weekends spent with family, time to catch up in my journal, sleeping on top of the covers, chenille fabric, baby smiles and talk, letter stamps, long skirts, parenthood -tv show, file folders for garden and house ideas, spider plants, lamp light, prisms, barefeet, packages in the mail, the house being clean, hand-written recipes, ring cookies dipped in frosting, magnetic paint, a girly nursery, danish modern furniture, and understanding

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