Monthly Archives: June 2010

three years

Yesterday Mark and I celebrated another anniversary…3 years.  As always we had such a good time carrying on our tradition of wearing wedding clothes and taking some pictures together.  And this year was better than ever!  Life is pretty darn good…

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we’re back…

we’ve been missing a little…last week mark was on vacation so we did a lot of just hanging out together and for the end of the week & weekend a and i stayed in charleston with jana, david and gibbs while mark had work stuff in savannah.  busy with lots of fun…now so much to catch up on as soon as we can.

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three months and some catching up

audrey is 3 months today!  (which is so hard to believe- because i feel like we just got her & that i can’t remember life without her)  she is doing great…sleeping good, talking so much, squealing, smiling like crazy.  such goodness!

we took her to church for the first time last sunday and we decided to take her into preaching with us and hold her.  (not quite ready for nursery)  it was really special and a little more emotional than i’d even thought about.  i think because some of her spiritual family was meeting her, some of the people that have been part of my spiritual family all my life.  i felt a little teary, all in such a good way.  so when preaching had started (we’d already  moved back by the door for easy exit access) audrey finally fell asleep and then in her sleep what we’d worried about actually happened- she pooped a big very outloud and stinky stinky poop.  mark was full of self control and kept it together, but i can’t say the same for me and the 3 preteen boys sitting behind us.  that ended our first trip back to church.  it was around 11:50…we almost made it.  i think night church is best for us right now.

she is so lucky to have so many cousins close to her same age and the other day eliza (who we already have plotted as a’s best friend) came over.  it made my day to see them playing together.  i’m predicting this might show up again in a senior in about yearbook 18 years.  we have so much to look forward to…


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some things

today audrey and i were so sleepy and napping so much that i was starting to think we had carbon monoxide in our house.  we went outside.

sometimes when i know that audrey is about to wake up from a nap i will go and wait for her to.  and when she does i don’t say anything but watch and smile as she looks around, focuses, and smiles a big smile back at me.

frida is a follower.  wherever i go, there’s the dog.  upstairs.  downstairs.  to change a diaper.  on the floor.  to the kitchen.  on the couch…frida.

i miss andy.  tonight he came over.  it was the best.  he used to be my best friend (in person.)  i want more of him again.

i think that not getting enough sleep is hurting my knees the most.

audrey is becoming quite expressive.  today she had to get some of her left over medicine by spoon and she made a grossed out/yucky face and then outside watering the plants together, some of the mist sprayed back on us and she squinted her eyes in a way to say “woah” and kind of shook her head.  (also she is really starting to squeal this week.) i love it.

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moment for today…

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Happy 12 Weeks Audrey Lougenia!


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audrey’s tree.  eastern redbud.  heart shaped leaves.  planted in may 2010.  bicornuate uterus.  her space to grow we found out pretty early on was shaped like a heart.  a special place for a special baby.  she literally grew in love.  now they can grow together.

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after breakfast moments

This morning after Audrey nursed I had the chance to take a few shots of her…some of that sweetness in between sleep and awakeness.  These are moments I will want to remember the rest of my life.

“the milk coma.” -collin smith

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audrey update for 11 weeks…

When you talk to Audrey she turns her head, kind of puts her chin down to the side and smiles.  It is so adorable.  A little shy and flirty.  You have to wonder if already we can see her little personality.  What our Audrey is going to be like.

Audrey likes Queen.  Her Daddy and I sing her the song from Wayne’s World only with all kinds of random lyrics.  We tried Bicycle and Fat Bottomed Girls too just for fun.  All with smiles from her.

These days she seems to like her hand more than the paci.  So much it’s not worth the fight and sometimes to the point that she gags herself.  So weird.

Some of her 0-3 month sleepers are starting to stretch a little tight.  She just might change sizes right with the tags.

She is still sleeping through the night, some nights more peacefully than others, but still I am a proud Mama.  Most nights she doesn’t do her turn abouts anymore…I think she is feeling a lot better being on her new medicine.  She puts her little arms up crossed behind her head, which is just too cute.  She was doing that in her ultrasound at 17 weeks and we loved it then!

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one of my favorite things ever

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