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Audrey, age 5

You pick your own clothes.

You have a strong sense of what’s your style.

You love to dress up.

You wear a party dress almost everyday.

You always choose dresses.

You change outfits so many times a day.

You love your Dorothy shoes.

You are always planning.

You are graceful in everything you do.

You are a natural ballerina.

You whistle after every sentence to test out your newest skill.

You love friends and family and school.

You love to have a “dance party.”

You pick Shake it Off and Uptown Funk.

You sing along. (“uptown punk”)

You love TV and movies.

You watch the same movies over and over until you know every part.

Your favorites right now are “Horvin” Hears a Who and Fievel Goes West.

You have become a good sport.

You love Go Fish and Old Maid.

You can not hide it when you have Old Maid.

You love tiny stuffed animals.

You love Barbies.

You ask for “pals” at bedtime.

You draw tiny dots and circles.

You create ALL THE TIME.

You are a master cutter outer.

Your E has extra lines.

You do letters and make the sounds for all the words you see.

You love jokes.

You make up your own.

They crack you up.

You know a few real ones you’re good at telling.

You talk non-stop.

You have an impressive vocabulary.

You love AWANA.

You are making real connections to the preaching.

You ask the best questions.

And you have the best answers.

You brain is amazing.

It is always thinking.

You say you want to be a teacher when you grow up.

You say you’ll live with me when you have daughters. (“We’ll just get more chairs.”)

You still suck your fingers and tuck your ear in when you sleep.

You listen to every word.

You are girly.

You are so creative.

You are kind.

You are funny.

You have a tender heart.

You think about others.

You have strong opinions.

You stick to your choices.

You are such a big girl.

You are better and better all the time.

You are my best girl.

You are perfect to me.



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Jude, 18 months

You are funny. You are busy. You are so smart. You ride your bike all over. You carry around your lovies. You are a real life Linus. You finally eat real food. You love raw carrots. You like to dip them. You keep them in your mouth for a long time before you swallow. You love sweets. You feed yourself. You get so excited when you have something you want to show someone. You push around your cars. You love sing-a-majigs. You laugh big. You have wild curls. You love to sit in chairs. You love to press buttons and turn on/off lights. You love remotes. You like to figure things out. You lift your shirt to show your belly. You close both eyes really hard to “wink.” You always take off your socks. You love to put your shoes on. You love your paci. You use your thumb as a regular backup. You laugh really hard when I kiss your neck before bed. You read books. You like to brush your hair. You love to brush your teeth. You hate to have your face wiped. You do not like things on your hands. You love “Drey.” You say “bi” for bye. You are learning and saying new words every single day. You love people. You love Audrey’s dance class. You run down the hallway. You jump with your arms up and your feet on the ground. You dance and it looks like running in place. You LOVE the pets. You lay on Liza and chase Frida. You give Frida all the treats. You love animals. You love Grandmama. You are not so sure of the nursery. You love outside. You say “moo” and point at the moon. You point at “burs” (birds) You put your hand to your ear when you hear a sound. You like to watch Peek a Boo. You get so mad and throw fits. You grab onto my legs when I’m cooking. You give kisses. You back into laps and for hugs. You throw kisses, but sometimes forget to throw. You love to have your tummy rubbed. You say “real-we.” You wear Mommy’s bracelets and Audrey’s crowns. You are the best boy. You are perfect to me.

Love, Mommy

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audrey says…

They’re unicorn whales.


(after watching a show about narwhal whales-to her, everything is magic and unicorns)

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“I wanted a perfect ending.  Now I’ve learned, the hard way, that some poems don’t rhyme, and some stories don’t have a clear beginning, middle, and end.  Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what’s going to happen next.  Delicious Ambiguity.”

-Gilda Radner

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audrey says…

Me:  So much to remember, Auddie.

Audrey:  And so much to forget.


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“I love these little people; and it is not a slight thing when they, who are so fresh from God, love us.”

-Charles Dickens

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2 weeks into 4…


Two weeks in and she can do a flip, sleep in panties, chew bubble gum, and write her name.  Every day is something new and hilarious and fun (all while wearing panties and high heels.)  These are the days.  Heaven is something like being a 4 year old or being the mom of one at least.

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Audrey, age 4

DSC_0615_3You love all things princess.
You love “unicorns and kitties and butterflies.”
You pretend with your babies and ponies and toys.
You love mermaids.
You talk ALL THE TIME.
You love Jude.
You are a little Mama.
You do magic. (“I’m magical.”)
You are a negotiator of naps, bedtime and eating.
You love home.
You love friends.
You are always happy and enjoying yourself.  (People notice it about you.)
You love that pink nightgown and staying in your pajamas.
You wear the same thing over and over.
You pick out your clothes and dress yourself.
You always choose dresses.
You wear your party dress whenever we let you.
You love shoes.
You love rainbows.
You sing loud (and make us not look.)
You dress and undress and redress your dolls.
You make them clothes out of all kinds of things and ask to “tie this on.”
You love to do their hair.
You like your hair in a braid.
You say you want to be a “hair cutter.”
You love to brush your hair.
You love when there are “curls” (bedhead)
You love watching TV.
You love movies.
You act them out.
You are Violet and Sam Sparks.  You tell us to be “Ellen and Bob and Jack Jack.”
You love “ba-spaghetti” and chicken wings.
You pretend to be Rapunzel and tuck a scarf in your ponytail to make your hair long.
You love princess music.
You give LOTS of kisses.
You pull Jude close to you in his highchair each morning.
You love to dance and watch in the mirror.
You are a good girl.
You are funny.
You are sensitive and kind.
You are smart.
You tuck little things under the pillows in your bed. (lalaloopsies and books)
You can recite the words to your favorite movies.
You rhyme silly words (“sausage, basauge”) and say “hey, that rhymes.
You point out letters.
You play “shoot the ladders.”
You are a terrible loser.
You lie awake in bed late sometimes
You love to “skip nap” but you still need one most of the time.
You get sad when you don’t get to tell Daddy bye in the mornings.
You ask him “Are you gonna be here in the morning?”
You like a light left on.
You say “pilla” and  “yella.”
You are girly.
You love pink and purple.
You sleep with lots of “tuck animals.”
You are the best big sister.
You love to draw people and maps (with elaborate stories while you make them)
You are so fun.
You are perfect to me.

Love, Mommy

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On the way home from AWANA

Audrey: I had that black stuff Daddy doesn’t like me to drink.

Daddy: Ooooh, you did?

Audrey: Don’t worry about me, it doesn’t taste bad.

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first day of 3k

3k aud first day

First day of 3k, here’s what she said about it:

We went to the playground.

I saw Eliza and Stella there.

I didn’t get a flower.

Some boys and girls didn’t listen.

I got a sucker.

I got some pictures for you.

Mrs. Hudson was nice.

I didn’t have a snack…I had some crackers and I ate my banana.

My teacher has a yellow time out chair.

I colored and there weren’t stickers.  I wasn’t so happy.

It had owls in the boys bathroom.

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